

Meeting date:
Tuesday, 13 March 2012


Meeting time:









1. Questions to the First Minister (60 mins) 

The Presiding Officer will call the Party Leaders to ask questions without notice to the First Minister after Question 2. 

View Questions



2. Business Statement and Announcement (30 mins) 

View Business Statement and Announcement



3. Statement by the Deputy Minister for Children and Social Services: The Welsh Government's Response to the Children's Commissioner for Wales' Annual Report (30 mins)



4. Debate: Housing Benefit Reform (60 mins) 

NDM4934 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

The National Assembly for Wales:

1. Regrets the impact that the UK Government's proposed changes to housing benefit will have on the poorest people in Wales;

2. Notes the continuing work that the Welsh Government is undertaking with stakeholders to help people cope with the changes.

The following amendments have been tabled:

[If Amendment 1 is agreed, amendments 2 and 4 will be deselected]

Amendment 1 - Peter Black (South Wales West)

Delete all and replace with:

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes the UK Government’s proposed changes to housing benefit, which are necessary in order to tackle the deficit left by the previous Labour Government.

2. Welcomes the UK Government’s intention to incorporate housing support into a Universal Credit.

Amendment 2 - Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)

Insert at the end of point 1 ‘including low paid workers’.

Amendment 3 - Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)

Add as new point 2 and renumber accordingly:

2. Notes the report from Cuts Watch Cymru 'Wales on the Edge' and its recommendations in relation to the changes in housing benefit.

A link to the report can be found here:

Amendment 4 - William Graham (South Wales East)

Insert at end of point 2:

‘, but believes that the time has come for talking with stakeholders to end and for good models of delivery to begin’

Amendment 5 -  William Graham (South Wales East)

Add as new point at end of motion:

Notes that the previous UK Government’s consultation on Housing Benefit showed that in “some areas, Housing Benefit can support customers to live in accommodation that many people in work cannot afford” and argued that “further reforms are needed”.

The previous UK Government’s consultation on Housing Benefit can be accessed on the following link:




5. Debate: Welsh Language Strategy 2012 - 17 (60 mins) 

NDM4935 Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes the publication of the Welsh Government’s new Welsh Language Strategy, A living language: a language for living, adopted in accordance with section 78 of the Government of Wales Act 2006; and

2. Further notes the Strategy's commitment to seeing the Welsh language thriving in Wales and to see an increase in the number of people who both speak and use the language.

The Welsh Language Strategy, A living language: a language for living can be accessed on the following link:

The following amendments have been tabled:

Amendment 1 - William Graham (South Wales East)

Add as new point at end of motion:

Calls on the Welsh Government to clarify the level of involvement which voluntary, independent and private organisations will have in the delivery of the strategy.

Amendment 2 - Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)

Add as new point at end of motion:

Notes with concern that the number of communities where 70% of the population speak Welsh has greatly decreased according to the last census.

Amendment 3 - Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)

Add as new point at end of motion:

Calls on the Government to establish a task and finish group to plan to increase the number of communities where Welsh is the main language.

Amendment 4 - Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)

Add as new point at end of motion:

Calls on the Government to include measures to revive Welsh as a community language in its legislative programme.

Amendment 5 - Jocelyn Davies (South Wales East)

Add as new point at end of motion:

Calls on the Government to identify the finance necessary to implement the strategy.

Amendment 6 - Peter Black (South Wales West)

Add as new point at end of motion:

Calls on the Welsh Government to identify how its targets to increase the number of pupils who learn through the medium of Welsh will be met.




Voting Time

The item started at






The Assembly will sit again in Plenary at 13:30, Wednesday, 14 March 2012